1280x720 - 's heal is increased up to 100% based on sylas's missing hp, maxed at 40% hp.
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Original Resolution: 1920x1080 Sylas Jungle Build 10 1 Everything you need for sylas jungle. 1280x720 - Sylas has a reputation for having an extremely unhealthy first clear, which tends to scare newer junglers away from trying him out in the jungle, despite the frequency with which pro players still pick.
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Original Resolution: 320x180 How To Play Sylas Jungle Best Build Runes Sylas Commentary Guide League Of Legends Youtube Rehber sylas counter (ct) yorumlar. 1280x720 - I just picked up sylas, and i love him, but i'm having difficulty with my first clears with him in the jungle.
Original Resolution: 1280x720 Sylas Jungle Vs Ekko Kr Grandmaster Patch 10 19 Youtube We don't know exactly what but again, don't be surprised to see him roaming around the jungle. 1280x720 - We track the millions of lol games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats sylas (jungler) pro players builds (recent games).
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