Onduline Easyline / 30,461 likes · 1,684 talking about this. Posted by goimages-valley Saturday, August 15, 2020 Related PostsRedstone Circuit - I've tested it in various versions of the game.Redstone Door / The door you use can be extremely simple, just a piston or iron door connected to a long circuit of redstone wires will let you escape your chaser, if you manage to trigger the pressure plate.Redstone Dispenser / To make a dispenser hook, arrange the cobblestone, bow and redstone dust on the crafting grid.Redstone Dust In Real Life : There exist red stones such as ruby, but to my knowledge, none of them have conductive properties like redstone from minecraft nor can they simply be laid down to supply power. Home 4K HD Images Pictures Wallpapers Onduline Easyline / 30,461 likes · 1,684 talking about this.